Drama / Animation / Comedy / Coming of Age
Mars (Drama), D.: Abel Rubinstein, 20:27 Min. Does Charlie really want a normal teenage existence? One extraordinary night shows her what truly matters. With Yasmin Finney (“Heartstopper“), inspired by Yungblud. |
She Always Wins (Drama), D.: Hazel McKibbin, 10 Min. Stella (Honor Swinton Byrne, “The Souvenir“) brings her new boyfriend to his first family visit. |
Curiosa (Animation), D.: Tessa Moult-Milewska, 9:00 Min. Young Mary is curious to find out what’s in her boyfriend’s head. So she has a look. |
Spinning (Comedy,Drama), D.: Sam Spruell, 10 Min. Robert takes his beloved 3.2 litre saloon for a spin in the neighbourhood. But his world is crumbling. With Divian Ladwa (“Detectorists“). |
Margin (Drama), D.: Daniel Rands, 13 Min. English teacher Emily battles to get through a lesson evoking racial tensions and societal issues that they soon find to be all too relevant. |
An Irish Goodbye (Comedy,Drama), D.: Tom Berkeley Ross White, 23:29 Min. On a working farm in rural Northern Ireland, a pair of estranged brothers reunite following their mother’s untimely death. With Seamus O’Hara (“Northman“). |