Drama Comedy Animation
Joy (Drama), D.: Alexandra Brodski, 20:00 Min. A teenage inmate at a juvenile detention centre is drawn to a 10-year-old girl who seems to have an intoxicating power. |
Bleep (Comedy), D.: Ben S. Hyland, 8 Min. Woken by a strange noise in the night, a couple is pushed to the brink. |
For Heidi (Drama, Coming of Age), D.: Lucy Campbell, 10 Min. Heidi’s Dad is unusually supportive, although she is sent home from school because of a giant blue and black mohawk. |
Yeah, I'm Good Thanks (Animation), D.: Hannah Lau-Walker, 01:30 Min. Whilst messaging online a woman contemplates being honest about how she’s really been doing. |
On Your Behalf (Dark Comedy), D.: Ana Garcia Rico, 16 Min. We all know people acting in a way that annoys us to despair. Ava found a solution. |
Portrayed (Drama), D.: Ryan Goodman and Nicole Rixon, 7:36 Min. Sitting for a campaign photoshoot, a political candidate is bombarded with a barrage of advice. |
X to X (Drama), D.: Lily Gwynne-Thomas, 14 Min. Meeting her estranged twin becomes a young housewife’s chance at a better life. With Tanya Reynolds (“Sex Education“). |
Lady Brently's End (Comedy), D.: Sam Baron, 6 Min. In Victorian England, a newly widowed woman must be convinced that it is still worth living. With Maddie Rice (“Fleabag“). |